Hrozně se těším na neděli, jedu do Prahy na koncert The Subways. Skákání v davu, řvaní refrénů, rozdrcené žebra, jo!
Emma v i-D. Vypadá to krásně, jak je zezadu osvícená tím sluncem..

Babiččiny korále z broušeného křišťálu, které mi věnovala. Vyprávěla mi, jak s nimi dělala parádu na plesech, to já asi nebudu :D. Ale jsou překrásné, jak odrážejí světlo.

Miluju tyhle smoothies! A ta chuť... "Drinking the contents of this bottle is akin to having an army of gnomes trample across your tongue, after they've spent the morning crushing grapes with their bare hobbity feet. Having totally knocked you and your tastebuds for six, the gnomes then push you down a hill made of mashed banana whilst their mate, Jonathan (who happens to be a squirrel with a great aim) pelts you with strawberries from a watchtower in a shady grove. At the bottom of the banana hill, you land in a paddling pool of squeezed oranges, apples and limes, and before you have time to towel yourself down, the gnomes drag you back up the hill to start the process all over again. And you're topless. Imagine that."